When on Facebook do you ever come across a post that gives you this reaction... "I didn't want to know that!"? Even some smart people post some dumb things on Facebook. Below is a general guideline of what not to post on Facebook.
Do Not Post:
Anything you are doing that is illegal! No pictures of you and friends doing drugs! Employers are starting to search profiles before hiring people and this type of post could haunt you or your friends in the future, even if you no longer engage in that behavior. You wouldn't want a post to be used as evidence in a trial would you?
Intimate details about a sexual encounter or relationship. That's why they are called intimate details as opposed to public details. We don't want to know and people who do want to know should get their own life!
Results of GYN check up or even that you went! But if you are ill, or recovering from cancer or something not GYN related, you can post about that. I am sure your friends would like to hear about it and support your recovery.
Lies about anyone. That would just be rude. Follow the golden rule... "do unto others..."
Any fact that you could ever want to be a secret in the future... "just got out of jail" for example.
Nude photos of yourself or others and especially young babies (some people think what is the harm with babies). A baby has definitely not given their consent and you wouldn't want to get prosecuted for child pornography.
Ugly statements about your current boss or the company you work for. (Unless you are trying to get fired of course).
Something about someone you are furious at, IF you may feel differently later, after calming down and finding out the whole story. It is hard to un-ring a bell.
When overly drunk or otherwise intoxicated. (same rule applies to email) Your judgment is likely to be off, and you may later regret what you post.
Frequent conversation with your spouse. That is what phones and face to face communication is for. Perhaps your therapist would enjoy the insight into your relationship communication, but the rest of us just wonder why you aren't talking to your spouse instead of us.
Your birth date, address, phone number, social security number or the like, for identity theft reasons.
Obvious things that help evil people out, like "I'm on vacation" which translates to: "my house is vulnerable to break-in." However, if you use Facebook only for close friends and relatives and your privacy settings are high, you may not mind doing this, as posting pictures while on vacation is extremely common and many would argue a good reason to use Facebook. How else can you proudly rub it in everyone elses face at once, that you are on an awesome vacation. To be safer, it would be better to post after you return home.
For more interesting information please visit Joy's blog at http://www.joysiworld.blogspot.com/ Or view her website at http://www.homes-energy-efficient.com/ which is filled with helpful information about making your home more efficient.
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